PvP Battles Updates!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
wonder-man: 10/10 please increase max hp boost now then
24-09-10 21:35
overlord69: Its only 5 levels different sir not 10. if u do like this all lower level will be roasted.because as i can remember lvl 50 can only attack enemies lvl50 to lvl meaning not much different in gears runes and ms.
24-09-10 20:39
24-09-10 20:30
24-09-10 20:22
24-09-10 20:22
xiaomi_9: Bad update, need PVP 10x dmg and drop gear, we are here to have fun with war of player, and damn range 20 LV. are u want we are bully low level? Think again if u want update the PVP rules
24-09-10 19:29
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