_fizzarolli_: So the weapon and ms wis stats are good BUT We are going to need a magic spell for it to be useful. At least one that has a base dmg of 5k to 10k magic.
Also consider to fix the beast rage and radiance boost... it doesnt change the wis damage output.
24-10-06 07:13
sophia_katseye: drop rates are not good considering the lack of mp....There's no way to farm creds, what are f2p supposed to do?
24-10-06 06:34
torkll: What a wonderful round its perfect perfect to download smt and forget bd
24-10-05 13:31
bitte: Okay... So far so good. Only issue as of now is... Why does the pet uhhh. SUCK. Armor doesn't really do anything at this point. Can you change it to dexterity instead? Since it's for mages. They rely on wisdom and dexterity so they can hit and dodge attacks.