MP being added was an absolute saver, since people were able to transact and earn creds.
Charm rate was good. And also runes were kinda good.
There was an ulti wisdom jewel in a seer which made getting divine wisdom jewel very easy for druids. Honestly I think Jewel of Wisdom should not be transferrable just like charms. why? Because they're like the charm of druids, haven't you noticed how it's a druid winning almost every round?
Remove the quests in ancient BA that gave OP spells to the other classes, wwm on assassin and Amazon? What's the purpose of barbs then? Also where is the Grace spell of paladins? You added new spells to the kit of some class and just nullified the other classes.
Regarding pvp, getting stuck for 5 minutes is too much, decrease it please, it discourages pvp. And bring back more max hp cap. Losing gears should only happen when you get killed, exp lost should be the penalty for losing pvp so the exp milking people would be encouraged to upgrade gears.
The mp limit was very limiting. Plus when you put an item in mp it's already 1 mp use even if it doesn't sell? Why? If that's the case can you at least double the mp uses? Also please make gearlock work, I see Indonesian clan just sharing same gears to lvl alts.
Some maps were lagging...we were hunting slower in maps like cyclop cave 1 and dragon cliff 4.
Make charms and gems/runes visible to everyone. Since attacking in pvp is a great risk an have greater consequences to the initiator(map locked and gear switching disabled) then one should see those boosts and runes there's no point in hiding them... it will also help in keeping track of a certain group that gets insanely high tier runes and charms mysteriously

24-10-25 10:34

When also attacking a player. Make it not allowed to hit a mob or unequip all your items as well.
Don't forget to remove spell rewards on Ancient Battle Arena and bring back the spells on conflux. Assassins and Amazons were too op in terms of physical damage.
Wisdom dominated with the jewel rewards from the quest so maybe tune that down or buff physical damage or its hit rate.

24-10-25 10:11
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