1.Druid just too OP, no other class can compete with druid. Increase dragon spell prot. To 90% to make druid not too much OP..
2.Jewel of damage is assassin's weapon, make divine damage easier to get
3.Barb need something.. Like WW Gm or something.. idk
Also dont give other classes whirlwind type of spell! Thats barb's speciality
4. Paladin and necro is Hopeless.. idk
And i think amazon is OK, no need to change

24-12-04 11:37

24-12-04 13:22

24-12-04 13:39

1. Rewards are not worth it. Where are the powders? The charms? The random level 140+ recipes? The rewards last round was garbage, only honor? It’s like you’re decreasing the value of honor by making it a very common resource. And you’re indirectly making credits scarcer and more valuable.
2. Marketplace limit needs to be increased. I know a lot of people complain that marketplace is just a place where alts transfer items, but let’s be real here, it’s really a place where you can get the extra stuff you need since 5k wins is not enough to get all the items that you need to build. People are complaining about market prices being insanely high, but that is because of the limit being just 10, and whether your item gets sold or not it counts as one mp usage. We need more market uses so we can trade and make profit, that’s actually what marketplace is for. I suggest making the limit 25 or 30, and please keep the buyout feature. And one more thing, the gearlock feature isn't really working, people are able to share gears without problem
3. PvP is not perfect yet, you said it yourself, it is a work in progress. The PvP map timer needs to be decreased, 5 minutes is just too much. Honestly the new features in PvP seems like they’re discouraging initiating PvP. Who would want to attack first and be stuck in a map for 5 minutes, that’s a waste of time? Please make the timer only 1 minute but make attackers unable to switch set and unequip gears. Also, there’s been an issue about people with trash/weaker set of gears doing insane damage to players with better set of gears, to prove that nothing suspicious is going on, please allow runes to be seen just like in Gaia 1. Also, if possible, make charms visible too, that will make sure that we can strategize better for PvP. Lastly, bring back the 100% gear drop at death and the dmg boost for PvP . This 10%-5% chance thing is not a good feature it just encourages people to hit and unequip
4. Drop rates are good for jewels, charms, and recipes. But level 100 runes are super rare, even in lvl 72+ maps. They are rarer than heroic recipes. Please increase the rate a little bit, no one is being able to complete the rune quest at dragonstone. And it really makes you question how that particular player manages to get full set of tier iii lvl 100 runes every round, I’m not naming any names but we all know who that unsuspicious player is.
5. Conflux town needs to be restored. Certain crucial spells are found in conflux for paladin, druid, and barbarians. It’s a disadvantage for them whenever conflux spells are not accessible.
6. Event hunt mobs are becoming pointless. You removed the credit rewards and treasure chest from them, and you always place them near the end of the round. What is the point? The magic scroll stats are often trash; you’re basically just filling up the SQL table for magic scrolls with garbage that are easily forgotten. To fix this I suggest bringing back treasure chests with powders (and lowering the recipe rarity rate) and placing the exclusive magic scroll rewards in mob hunt ranking while keeping the exclusive gear in the boss damage ranking.
7. Black dragon and Royal dragon should not spawn simultaneously. Otherwise, you’re going to end up with mostly 2 new diablos each round which is not healthy for the game. Also is it just me or are you somehow promoting automation when it comes to dragon hunt? Why would you scatter the dragons in different maps? You want us to keep on manually going back and forth to the dragons? Honestly only an automatic clicker can do that quickly and efficiently. Boss hunt is way better since you get respawned at the same spot where the boss is. I suggest bringing dragon hunt back to conflux with same mechanics as the boss hunt.
8. Maximum mana is not enough, it needs a higher limit. Especially for mana reliant classes. Why did you even limit mana at such a low maximum value? so we are forced to spend more to increase? Also the same concept with maximum health, please make it enough so we can survive battles against skull dragons and fiery empress.
I hope that this time you actually login to check on the ongoing round at least once or twice per day. And I really hope that you’ll listen to our suggestions this time.

24-12-05 13:02

24-12-06 05:57

2. Remove whirlwind type spell from other classes
3. Rebalance your skill points. Priority now becomes wisdom, followed by dexterity which makes no sense for physical classes.
4. Drop rates for recipes with rarity are extremely low.
5. Make quests available at lower levels. Not everyone has the time to complete wanderer quests.

24-12-07 23:06