Some Mod want to play gpvp but won't get bully

25-01-04 23:03

Also please make some new event monster or something new at g1 so after gpvp end still have some spirits for more play at g1

25-01-04 23:12

1- exclusive ms "our choice"
2- exclusive gear
"our choice
Thats what majority want. And lastly bring back exp decrease when lost to pvp same as before. 2.5% for winning 5% when lose.
"Let anyone be fair
When a player is on timer they can't attack any monster on the land. This one is making exit when pvp.they try to suicide to a supermob. Please fix this.
Unable to unequipped gear when on pvp timer
And uneable to attack any mob at map.
That's pvp suppose to be.

25-01-04 23:28

Add battle pass for each month ITS contain new skin or new char , or etc
Change all monster to new monster
Add monster like Slime , Bee , etc
Clan war
Add time for battle like 11.00am game time
The war contain all player in clan, got resource when win like charms , runes , etc
Party battle
Yes This is what should be in an RPG game
Add party Hunter for hunt in 1 location , add boost exp and jewels

25-01-05 00:03

1. PvP is absolutely trash you continue to try and update it but you continue to make it worse. Bring back regular old PvP where if you die you loose an item, these last 2 rounds I’ve won 150+ battles in a row and dropped nothing but I turn around and loose 10 battles and loose 3-4 gears.. it does not make sense! Pvp should be upon death! People are killing monsters over and over not caring if they die because the items don’t drop! It is a looting system you can steal my rings if I haven’t died? If I die then yes I should drop an item as if they were looting my body.
2. Bring back dungeon consistently to pvp, add runes and maybe a small chance at gear drops for your class.
3. Monsters are extremely strong I had to buy skill points just to level up..
4. You continue to say watch pvp and send you links I’ve sent you 5! WITHOUT a response!!
5. Rewards suck. Just flat out suck. I enjoy my honor of course but I get more honor from purchasing credits half the time vs the rewards, almost everyone is in max gears, many alts are here at g1 because we have a huge Influx of items we don’t need nor do others.. we need new and upgraded gears for g1 we have level 200s and just now level 160 gears are being released and each level 160 item has been complete trash..
6. Bots are getting out of hand. The indo clan have multi kill they can kill 20+ within one click I watched a castle get cleared in 3 seconds.
7. I agree with party mode
8. With the current game Situation I am not buying credits and I won’t buy nearly as many as I was until things are fixed..

25-01-05 00:06

This gonna make druid user smile

25-01-05 00:10