Wish Box
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puandragon: If you want to seek thats scammer who was on yesterday gpvp,go search ip for thats masukan_ah,this was the only suspicious 1 who was from indo,and have an same accent like thats guy,and this probably the guy who is poser master, and also this game just really dying for doing Indos thats,indos this,yeah just ban ip indonesian,and you have a good game and just ask thats andy to make a bot for doing cj thats can online 10 account/ second's
25-01-05 14:33
fantasia: I wish unlimited warehouse On G1...
25-01-05 13:50
shake-shake: some Indonesian players try to defend and disagree with some complaints.. it is very obvious that they also use that sneaky way.. I am an Indonesian player and hate cheating even from my own country 🤮
25-01-05 13:41
_dwi_: Make daily limit to 2500 only on gpvp
25-01-05 13:21
mast3r: Indo this indo that...
Most of indos isnt gonna play next round.. enjoy your time haters

Keep up the good work dreamer :)
25-01-05 12:30
ghostbom: Please Add New Monster, Pet and Spell and map to
25-01-05 11:50
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