Wish Box
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
-ghostlykillerz-: As you see everyone is complaining over a ban
I gave to 2 individuals, feel free to check my ban logs.
25-01-05 01:06
-trixter-: No more buying credits until rewards and system overhauled. I dont care bout the rewards, the game aint fun anymore. No g1 update. Its just s*cks. sorry to say.
25-01-05 00:59
swallowtail: imagine buying skill points just to level up hahaha, but anyways the suggestions of monster overhaul in pvp would be nice, the rpg genre thats like tensura slime universe would be nice, and the dilemma between whether to remove all boths in gaia pvp that makes the game populated or suffer a fair round with like 10-20 online
25-01-05 00:34
sorauta: Let mod play on creative mode like in minecraft.. immune to attack, immune to death, immune to everything

Also in response to 12buck,
Not to agree we have bots,but if we can clear castles in 3 sec, i'll better use that godly speed internet for better purpose lol
25-01-05 00:22
song_sing: Kick out mod from gpvp. If he play again he banned many player because PK him. The game not fun anymore because that ghostykiler mod. Long live bd
25-01-05 00:10
jeanny-de-archie: Make dragon prot 100% and gear drop chance 99% in pvp

This gonna make druid user smile ;D
25-01-05 00:10
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