[Gaia PvP #113] The Arcane Behemoth!
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Read from beginning
eightysix: Following lord deny sugest
* Worldshaker Boots!
An exclusive Level 80 Legendary boots (Level 100 in Gaia #1).
- Strength: +125
- Dexterity: +125
- Endurance: +125
- Wisdom: +250
- Damage: +250-500
- Armor: +500
- Stamina: +125

Treads of Justice


Legendary item

 Damage: +200
 Armor: +300
 Health: +400
 Mana: +400
 Stamina: +400
 Strength: +130
 Dexterity: +130
 Endurance: +130
 Wisdom: +400

---> dreamer please make it 250 all stat. And 500wis 🙏
25-02-06 00:56
-timeless-: I just heard that people can lose gear if attacked and not even die. That's not a good update. I wonder who gave dreamer that bad idea?

BTW y'all who are doing bots and glitching please stop. You hurt the game. Every time dreamer comes up with idea and you ruin it, it hurts everyone. *Hunt was removed.
This was being abused so until a proper solution is found, the hunt will remain disabled.*
25-02-05 23:12
denyutjantung: * Worldshaker Boots!
An exclusive Level 80 Legendary boots (Level 100 in Gaia #1).
- Strength: +125
- Dexterity: +125
- Endurance: +125
- Wisdom: +250
- Damage: +250-500
- Armor: +500
- Stamina: +125

Treads of Justice


Legendary item

 Damage: +200
 Armor: +300
 Health: +400
 Mana: +400
 Stamina: +400
 Strength: +130
 Dexterity: +130
 Endurance: +130
 Wisdom: +400

---> dreamer please make it 250 all stat. And 500wis 🙏
25-02-05 14:36
mast3r: Me: weaker the enemies but lower the exp
Dreamer: Ok i'll lower the exp BUT the enemies aint gonna get weaker

Well i'll better just shut my mouth up 🤐

I mean, what can i say?
My assassin with godly gear, godly charm on max HP got one shooted by seraphim!
25-02-05 12:30
moneyisgod: I got an idea for you dreamer…
25-02-05 12:09
gta_liberty_city: Treasure chest only can get charm and powder sir, Jewel is useless
25-02-05 12:00
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