25-02-09 10:02

Worldshaker Boots!
An exclusive Level 80 Legendary boots (Level 100 in Gaia #1).
- Strength: +125
- Dexterity: +125
- Endurance: +125
- Wisdom: +250
- Damage: +250-500
- Armor: +500
- Stamina: +125
Revams stat sir add 250 all stat

25-02-06 02:45

* Worldshaker Boots!
An exclusive Level 80 Legendary boots (Level 100 in Gaia #1).
- Strength: +125
- Dexterity: +125
- Endurance: +125
- Wisdom: +250
- Damage: +250-500
- Armor: +500
- Stamina: +125
Treads of Justice

Legendary item
 Damage: +200
 Armor: +300
 Health: +400
 Mana: +400
 Stamina: +400
 Strength: +130
 Dexterity: +130
 Endurance: +130
 Wisdom: +400
---> dreamer please make it 250 all stat. And 500wis 🙏

25-02-06 00:56

BTW y'all who are doing bots and glitching please stop. You hurt the game. Every time dreamer comes up with idea and you ruin it, it hurts everyone. *Hunt was removed.
This was being abused so until a proper solution is found, the hunt will remain disabled.*

25-02-05 23:12