Server #2 - Super Magic Scroll for 320 credits & why
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rafiyusron: expensive
14-09-09 10:23
-marlboro-: -good-
14-09-09 11:24
mast3r: Lol
14-09-09 11:29
raditz: wow the price is like £20 per scroll in uk money. not sure how i would feel spending over £160 on titles for some gear on a text based mobile browser game and even worse you would need to most likely spend money getting the gear in the first place to make it worth having. when s2 dominace costs like £300+ even for an advanced player you have to ask what could a person buy with that money? is it really worth that ammount?

same time alot of people do find it worth it and they have wanted this for a long time to be returned so i still think this is a 5* update as it shows you have listened to the players. it has also been priced at a place so high that not many can use it so although pay to win is still ruling if they pay they really are paying big so they deserve the boost for the donation towards making the game better for everyone
14-09-09 13:51
great_milenko: thats alot but thank you dreamer.. this helps alot better
14-09-09 18:05
swaggerkid: lol too expensive for me. but i think it's ok.
14-09-10 10:31
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