Round 12th starts on November 1st!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
holynight: Love the no castle idea how about makeing so we can craft lvl 80 runes in additiion to getting them in drop say 3 rune sol = rune io and 3 rune dol make rune fal and adding a lvl 80 str rune to help with str reqs since no class has a str bonus it would be very helpful considering at present rune amm gives the most str bonus and add pet pvp in battle arena no exp gained and if pet is killed it is resrected with 1hp so players can test their pets against other pets could ad this to s1 and s3 as well :)
14-10-22 03:32
-dheath-: yeah kotagames,.. For Server 2 more interesting if there's clan battle in battle arena, no item drop but drain experience,. And add weak super mob like gnoll king, wolf king, skeleton king, etc etc. -king- in every near city so they dont need to kill gnoll for just hunting king, also bonus monster weak but rare item exp drop, like magic pot in ff5 xD add EXCALIBUR weapon for all class,
14-10-22 03:28
lake-toba: and kotagames too:)
14-10-22 03:10
-d34th-: how about adding new items slot on upper left side? like cloak,wings, or mount? and please put invite duel for clan members. so we can test damge to our clanmates. and please if we ignore some people i hope we cannot also see their post on chat room. i think it will help to less the drama. and put some ability/talent for each character.. ex: necromancer has a 10% chance to life leech 100%, assasin has chance to make critical hit even its 100% life, etc.. lol.
14-10-22 01:56
supasta: Wis increases our spell power along with our mana.So what about endu adding to our armor? Its the least preferred stats of many players-adding two points in armor for each endu point might motivate players to give more importance to it.
14-10-22 01:35
nrv: Allow players to craft same titled gear,irrespective of its type to get higher title.
e.g:3x monk's dagger=zealot's dagger
it will be a great help while crafting leg gear.
14-10-22 01:35
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