Round 12th starts on November 1st!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
-powers-: Update bonus for amazon and assassin because dont have bonus lol
14-10-21 22:31
-archimagi-: Love the ideas, but I think xp should only be cut in half after 1000 kills because ur basically telling players not to play for long periods of time, also I think there sshould be a party shortcut so u can easily invite people instead of typing and hoping nobody pks also I think u should get xp from pvp and there should be level 40 or 50 pieced gears. And maybe update amazons to have quivers in place for shields so that maybe thery can give a damage/stat boost and armor for amazon should be stronger for amazons because after all they are a premium class that costs 50 credits,I have wanted this update ever since amazons came out, I am a long time player and black dragon has my loyalty no matter what, although I might not be able to afford to joins server 2 this time does not mean I will stop playing ever. Also I am so happy to hear that u are keeping party mode, also could you make it so u can't have ur alts join ur party? I saw some people doing this and they just buffed up one character without premium that couldn't kill the mobs in the map they were in yet he still got massive xp. Thank you dreamer for considering my ideas and hearing that thoughts of the people who play your games, that is a thing they don't do on many games that I play. Finally, no jewels in pvp, and maybe a barbarian update, since barbarians have a damage boost i think they should be able to use two handed weapons that cannot be equipped with a shield but have MASSIVE damage and good dex boosts :) thank you dreamer :) I know this was a long post but I hope it was useful and not a waste of your time :)
14-10-21 22:26
-snow-: when s2 round openned?
14-10-21 22:04
ngido: i think,, to server 2 please fix pvp system .and limit each user who can perform at least lvl 40-50 pvp up .. so that players who are looking to build strength or good items do not need to be afraid, to be in pvp other people and items he will not be lost again. since losing pvp ... sy think for lv 40-50 players who already have the power up or other items can be good enough to say it was the maximum se ... he's not going to be afraid again ,, maybe players who will compete -lomba membutikan the best players in the lv that much .. and that is still under lv 40-50 will feel enjoy hunting good items and do not need to worry anymore ... thanks you
14-10-21 22:04
mikeyneko: I beleve the round will be better than before. Why did you turn off Server regertration. now we pay credits. i beleve more people will come if you lower the Credit prices or make all normal non-credit characters to be free. So that way, server 2 can be more popular and we can be inside and see how hard server 2 is.
14-10-21 21:47
verses: I'm looking forward to another s2 round. Keep the new gears / pets / classes coming. As for suggestions to that end, 2 new classes, Drow and Ninja. Make these 100 cred s2 only characters, balanced against each other. Like Drow gets access to both Druid / Necro gears / spells and Ninja get's access to Barb / Assassin. Like the DA, the extra fifty should go to a class option so player can switch to either option on the fly, just a thought. I agree with Hardball also, new Super Mobs for s1 and s2. :)
14-10-21 21:24
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