Round 12th starts on November 1st!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
putik2: Plz update this boots stats in any boots title(leather,chain,light plated,heavy,and greaves): boots of travel I,II,II,IV,&V..on the
Boots of travel I
it has:
+5 stamina
+1 strength
+1 wisdom
+1 endurance
+1 dexterity
Boots of travel II
it has:
+10 stamina
+2 strength
+2 wisdom
+2 endurance
+2 dexterity
Boots of travel III
it has:
+15 stamina
+3 strength
+3 wisdom
+3 endurance
+3 dexterity
Boots of travel IV
it has:
+20 stamina
+4 strength
+4 wisdom
+4 endurance
+4 dexterity
Boots of travel V
it has:
+25 stamina
+5 strength
+5 wisdom
+5 endurance
+5 dexterity
14-10-23 11:16
sandal_jepit: fix credit log,not only can see a few activity of using credit but it can see all of credit that we using for
i think boost caaslte isnt fair cuz its will lead by strong player and weak player doesnt hav chance to take the castle
not fair
please made other benefit of controling a castle
14-10-23 07:16
beware: * Add lvl 100 runes

* Add lvl 100 class weapons for barbarian, paladin and druid

* lottery should be available in s2

both s1 and s2

* quantity selling, like for example:
selling 20 stampots for 5c, it would only work on same item/gears
14-10-23 05:20
-anarki-: mybe amazon class +armor and rune +endurance and damage or endurance and dextirity in 1 rune assasin not used 2 weapon bonus skill poin rangking 1-100
14-10-23 02:57
avenir: Regards, BlackDragon!

Server #2 that will come surely be more exciting and interesting than the previous one, but it would be more interesting if in this game on any of its lands are its leader, so the players can scramble to get it and get a challenge to concuer.
In the game the players can send items or potions in large quantities, so that we can help players in difficulty.

Thanks you,
14-10-23 00:52
zlavaurexz: Update hero evolusion.. And monster good
14-10-23 00:27
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