Extended +300% Credits Sale & -50% Item Reqs In S2
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jeffweirdojr: Amazing
15-02-26 22:37
rakion: FIX/REMOVE?
The reason why armor requires str bcoz it's heavy and lessen our dex but other player just wear str item then wear armor then remove str item and they have dex and armor and its bad for administrator to allow this. Why item requires str and other player can trick it just remove those requirements or fix.
We have original skill points(total skill points). In wearing item and learning spell should rely on original skill points so that player should imprve there str and wisdom. Total skill point is use only in fighting.
15-02-26 23:17
nadeshot: you must kill a certen amont of a ceten mob 10 kills =1 credits so if you kill 100 goloms you take 1 0 off of the kills and that how much credits u get
15-02-27 03:50
lova_killer: verry good.. :)
15-02-27 04:22
shotaro_nogami: Good
15-02-27 05:52
grimm_reaper: the -50% req is good thing,i like it.but if u want like the players that cannot buy credits to earn them u should think about the loterry tokens.u get tokens for killing rank10 units thats good but the only problem is that these units are respawning very very hard to find rank 10 units now.u could repair this too
15-02-27 09:42
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