Let's Talk About 15th Round of Server #2!
Leave your feedback!
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gunawan: It's my ideas:

- New Class named "Jack krauser" ur can set it up for the service Credits available for Server #2 Only

- New Recipe (weap) Lv100 to Druid's Named "God of nature" available For server #2 Only

- New Rune Gods .. Stats? Damage: +100 Armor: +75 Strength: +80 Dexterity: +120 Endurance: +30 Wisdom: +50 Req Lv105

- New spells named "Gods of death" Ur can set it up for service Credis available Server #2 only
15-03-23 14:21
x-hunterz-x: my concern goes to assassin, need offensive magic spell, wraithstrike not working properly, kindly remove it or change to more offensive 1, kindly move the slow magic to lvl20 town, need new spell like paralized, opponent cant atk back if we got high wisdom compare to them,
Idea not having a deathangel in s2 is excellent, they control much of the game,
1hit k.o spell is excellent, like 1-5percent to work sounds fair enaugh :D
kindly fix the protection bugs on assassin,that stop at 50%
it would be great if theres pvp limit attacking same person per day, like 10x atk only,
thanks again for the excellent updates and games on server2 :D

15-03-23 11:21
lad: Nice s2 is the best.
Paladin are defender a servant of god put spell like HOLY LIGTH wich weaken enemies armor. BLESSED improves damage and dexterity. and more good shield for them that has a mark of a cross. Thats all t.y.
15-03-23 11:12
codedly: why create new spells for pally and assassin? cure and dispel have been useless all this while. let cure be a %tage spell that removes effects of spell such as chain lightning, frost ring(grandmaster) and dispel to reduce effects of spells such as frenzy, wraithstrike and vigor.¤¤¤ i also disagree on having a quick server
15-03-23 08:32
-timeless-: disable mods from being able to see who is who using the spy thing they have. unless a chr is cheating, glitching or causing unnecessary trouble it's not necessary for mods to know. it's very unfair to players to have their s1 chrs told in chat or to the mods`s clanmates or friends. if someone is breaking rules then of course mods should report to dreamer.
15-03-23 04:02
dokuraider: Yeah.. Need paladin new spell smash.. Decrease enemy damage and armor.. (y)
assasin enough strong with their spell and critical after lower than 50% health..
15-03-23 03:02
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