Let's Talk About 15th Round of Server #2!
Leave your feedback!
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soranith: ¤take away the gold was already valuable when the mobs stopped dropping them and the maps too.for non credit buyers,both resources are very hard to attain now
¤better strength and endurance runes.strength runes are a must and we don't have one
15-03-23 02:02
-fubu-: Limit the size of clan to 10members for more exciting clan jobs:). Make the mobs invisible to map.. We have to navigate through the map and get random battles.. Players pvp if standing on the same tile on the map... How about a new npc merchant who buys our unused rec/jewels and runes for some credits?
15-03-22 22:52
samorano4real: gelare promised land of antagrich and not skill points! i hope u create the land to have super mobs that give confirm skill points, new ms, new rune/ new recipe drop for a time limit e.g. 6hrs/quest completion available just 2-4times a week*** pets and player stats reset for credits. this should depend on pet level requirement and pet level for pet and just player level for chars so we can transfer and s1 char to s2 but stats get reset and kept until server merge. it's boring having a char each round. DAs are not allowed*** barb need endurance bonus and spell that reduces enemy dex***druid should get increased damage of old spells*** pally should get spell that increases armor and dex*** assassin need just dex bonus. they dnt need protection bonus since they're dual wield
15-03-22 22:52
kiler997: I have an idea on paladin thread.
I think they should get a new spell that reduces incomming damage of any source and type or steal enemy dex and add it to the paladins dex, so its like haste+slow put together. For paladins its name would be Glory. That can also be the assassins spell called Drain. And 1 more for paladins, Justice. It may work like an execute, dealing dmg equal to a % of targets missing hp.
Mm 1 more, but for assassins: a spell that would damage the target for % of its current hp, so the more hp the target has, the more the spell dmges. It should be good to peel to 50% or below, so the criting starts! :D
15-03-22 21:44
-magic-: 1. make a new class, a class better than diablo. achieved only when two black dragons are killed by one person.

2. remove level requirements on gears.

3. increase strength and decrease experience of monsters.

4. remove credit transfer cause it isnt fair.

thats it.
15-03-22 17:12
viro: :-P
15-03-22 16:29
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