Let's Talk About 15th Round of Server #2!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
mri: When dragons appear, all player s2 have 2 weeks to kill it, if dragons dont be kill, we haven't a diablo.
15-03-22 15:52
-ghostlykillerz-: My ideas:
* As the gold is pretty tough to earn in s2,there should be some kind of potion to heal pets...cause the price of reviving pets drains out alot gold..
* About pvp - the pvp will take place in only between same assassin can only attack assassin...this way it would be fair...who builds better, wins the match
* There is no need for d.a or if the previous idea is applied then no one will be annoyed by the o.p D.A....
* The round should be a fast one 3-4 weeks and only 1 diablo...dragons should fly...
* Add a new class if possible in this little time,if not then update the class..mainly assassin and paladin
* There should be some lvl.80-90 runes with high strength and endurance...
* Please add new legendary quiver for it 'Eagle's Quiver' or as u wish....

That's all,hope it helps
15-03-22 15:05
deathday: I was thinking that assasins lvl 60+ are the weakest of all chars, they need either stronger weapons or a stronger armor for assasins only, with that, paladins have great weapons for high lvl, but they are nearly impossible to make within a few weeks, so there should be legendary gear that's easier to make for them... Appart from that I have not much to add for now...
15-03-22 14:46
15-03-22 14:22
-surya-: +1 Rune Death and +1 Dragon Scroll to all Death Angels in S1, who's playing at S# 2 in this 15th round ... +New World maps, please and spells ... I love (y)
15-03-22 14:09
_mamaw1_: make level 60 pieced weapon for assassin and fix the recipe of balance, assassin blade can't be super magic scrolled. Why not make it assassins blades since its an assassins weapon, lol. You made the paladin weapon to assassin titled then used it as ingredient for balance? Too hard to scroll and cant be super magic scrolled.
Please also make a mana leech gem or rune or make it a premium.
Please make a premium which adds 100% armor
15-03-22 14:03
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