Let's Talk About 15th Round of Server #2!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
evade: I have clear and definitive suggestions about s2. Please have a read.

=> If paladins get a spell like frenzy, they'll be the same as other classes, so instead, give them a spell which will allow them to reduce the armor of their opponents. Upto 50%.

=> As Asmodeus has pointed out, assassins are great as is. If you just add a few new gears for them, they too can slay dragons.

=> As for new s2 prizes, you can give random level 100 monster titled magic scrolls to high ranked players.

=> No lottery in s2 please.

=> Since there IS a limit on credits, make it usable in marketplace. Or reduce the price of random items in credits section.

=> Please make higher level runes (80, 60) droppable.

=> Please make 'of mana V', 'of wisdom V', 'of assassin V' etc. titled magic scrolls droppable by any mobs.
15-03-22 11:27
humboltpittbull: Since no tokens in s2 & we have titled scrolls, can we get a titled scroll to drop from rank 10 mobs as reward. Always get tokens in s1 as reward. s2 is hardcore & no newbie mode. Disappointing getting nothing working so hard in killing rank 10 in s2, & someone in s1 can kill one easily on newbie mode and be rewarded for it.
Keep up the extra activities, like x-mas presents, & Easter eggs. :)
15-03-22 10:51
apocalx: »Dragon title autoscroll update needs to be fixed

»Change image of rune death its same as vex.
15-03-22 10:35
jor: No clan,
15-03-22 10:33
avina: DREAMER --- READ THIS----

Dragons must appear on 30 april and Should be a difficult round with normal experience --- S#2 is For experienced players they Should work hard For Diablo!!. If you Make Rounds Quick or /give 3-5 Diablo's each round then it would just end up in BIG mess!!.

Add Lottary Tokes
Add 25-50 players in one clan
Add dragon scroll transfer in credits service for Diablo's --S#1
Add Diablo rune as promised S#1
Add premium and frenzy one week for s#2
Add Coin treasures in map Newbies can Sell them for credits in markketplace or open them :) this way it improves their chance to better in game and they heal pets easily. Coin treasures little difficult to find.
Add life leech in pvp
Add Title Magic scroll drops in s#2
Add Increase the limit of +hp&mp boost at credit section, and prevent full rejuvs from canceling it
No new Level 110 recipes

New item s#2
Add new amulets level 60 I'm tired of the same old picture "argi magi amulet lich mogul's amulet gods amulet scorpicore amulet" the picture look the Same Always,, Want new amulets from levev 20-60

A new item for all classes "a small/medium/large pouch" the item could be found in map! It increases inventory space small- 10 more items medium-25 large- 50 items
The pouch is only active for 3 days like Boosts:)

A New item "ultimate potion" item found in Map !. Ultimate potion ---full renjuvation potion in health and mana
And gives 100 stamina!. Newbies -non credit buyers can sell it in Mp for credits.

A new item "spell invisible" could only be learn in S#2 the spell only use is to evade people in maps or pvp or to spy on them without being noticed:). The spell last 10 seconds at level 40 ,30 seconds at level 65 and 50 seconds at 80

New item "wrist Band" 3 new wrist bands to wear in stead of rings:). A level 40 ,60,80 wrist band.

Level 40 Ancient Blessing
25 damage
100 health
5 strength
5 endu
10 dex
10 wis
Recipe ancient blessing
Hallberdier ring
Rogue chiefs ring
Infernal trogletydes ring

Level 60 Blazing Nightmare
40 damage
200 health
20 strength
10 dex
10 wis
15% prot earth
15% prot fire

Recipe -Blazing nightmare
Mighty gorgon's king ring
Argi magi Leaders Ring
Lich moguls ring

Level 80-90 God's Flower
33 -133 damage
330 health
33 endurance
33 dex
33% prot .air
33% prot. Fire
13% prot. Earth
13% prot. water
13% life leech

Recipe Gods flower -
Ultimate ring
Gods amulet
Ultimate ring

New Items For Girls LoL many girls play this game but I don't see much pink red or purple items:) Maybe you could have a thought about it-_-

I Like Asmodeus Rust_dragon Ideas you could read their points
Regards Avina8)
15-03-22 09:58
aldreich: nice one boss -good2- -paladin-
15-03-22 09:23
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