Server #2 Entrance Cost?
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aksin: Choice a best comment to best choice
15-03-27 10:46
angellouise123: I think that level 50 can buy a sever key for 500,000 gold or equlent credits. And free for level 75+
15-03-27 15:24
zibril: lvl 100+ got free entrance keys
15-03-27 15:52
armak: level 110 get free premium entrance key to limit free entrance key for amazon, necro and assassin, lol
15-03-27 23:06
sieman: level 70 get free key for paladin,druid,barbarian. please
15-03-28 01:44
makarov: hi dreamer!! since BD is still celebrating its 5th year anniversary, why don't you give those premium keys to loyal BD players who were always there for the last 5 years. i mean, those players who registered way back 2010 up to maybe 2013. just an idea.. thank you
15-03-28 02:57
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