Server #2 Entrance Cost?
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mustorador: All participan have rewad token thx
15-03-28 11:25
zhoele-man: The entrance key still FREE but limited, 50 char only for each free class (paladin,druid,barbarian) and only 50 char in total for premium class (necromancer,amazon,assassin. Example: 23necro + 19amazon + 8assassin = 50char) remember.. This only for the fastest registrant!

And for the other participan need cost for the entrance key.. 20c for free class and 50c for premium class..

And i agree with mustorador 's idea..

15-03-28 15:09
katina2556: its great lvls 39 and up and only 75 free chars ok? and premium -paladin-
15-03-28 15:40
dark_blazer: LOL even last over crowded s2 became successful right? Actually players level up faster than your given time limit in last s2 right.? So i dont understand why you affraid of over crowded s2 while last s2 is not crowded as that. Actually registered player is 1000 in total but only few are active. -paladin- Dont make excuses!
15-03-28 16:23
loir: Well speaking only from a business point of view It makes sense to not allow premiem classes for free. They are premium after all.

They offer as proven a huge advantage over a none premium class and are worth donating to the company for the privilage.

However it's a game and if you have played here a lot something must be done to keep those players so what I would do is make it possible that any 1 account can make a free s2 keg of any chat when it has reached level 100. This will only happen once per char. If you get a character to level 100 it looks good for nd having so many 100+ chars on the game and let's face it, there isn't much reward in gaining that level otherwise.

None premium chars should simply be free. No messing around a person could of never played nd before and wanna shot at the s2 but doesn't fancy paying money to try something they can't do.

Players can currently make a whole ton of free chars with the accounts they've ammassed over the years. This is wrong when others have to pay to have the same playing field. Unless however a player has spent months making 10 lvl 100+ chars to get a few free in s2.

Anyway that's just from business sense. I can't see any issues this would cause also and is simply pure logic

Entrance keys just further promote pay to win without any other option. As a new player to an mmo if I see this I will stop playing I instantly! I refuse to play a game that needs real world money to do things. It takes away from the game. I don't mind donating to games when it's fully possible to do everything yourself for free with work. I'm lazy I will spend money to save time or because I want something now. That's because I have a choice and don't mind that. If I'm seeing that I am forced to spend it puts my back up I guess. Straight away the game looks bad. This has built up over years of playing mmo games but I promise you will lose players and money by making it so you need to pay. This I'd why I think 100+ chars get one free s2 key of any class. It only happens one time per account. Not on multiple s2 chars. Also old s2 chars won't generate keys either. It would have to be a char on s1 that you have levelled from 0-100 you could call it a trial or a way of proving yourself worthy of s2. When reality paying for the key would be easier and more effective.

Also since keys would then be winnable and you can take s1 credits over you can charge 100+ creds for premium class and allow free entry for all none premium.


Maybe a contest on s1 for a week prior to s2 start to give free keys would be good ;)
15-03-28 17:06
15-03-29 07:24
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