Faster navigation in map!
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jeeh: I dont like it..
12-11-13 17:53
idiot_terror: I like this update dreamer. Very. Please don't remove the arrows. They were convenient if you only move one step and if you are using operamini browser.
12-11-13 12:55
avis: This is a major update thanks to dreamer,the disadvantage is we cannot check monster stats.
12-11-13 10:09
pleasure: I like this good job doing this in the game and it saves time.
12-11-13 04:19
secretservice: One thing I've noticed that I can't check mobs stats now coz if I click suddenly I'm stepping to it, and if they attack , ? Still its a milestone :)
12-11-12 13:46
bostjanabel2: This is really a cool update! Now I get my thumb swollen doing more progress in the game hahaha!! Now we need some SRF (stamina recovery fountains) scattered all around the world for more hours of fun!
12-11-12 12:00
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