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zinger: this is SUPER AWSOME THANK YOU
12-11-11 15:07
madarauciha: the update is good but its a bit confusing because you can't check the monster's lvl out before you go to attack it so it wastes more stamina
12-11-11 15:49
kickaz: nice update. Im Sure m0re player's will c0me s0on if they wil kn0w n0w that they can m0ve fast. N easy
12-11-11 16:16
tigergara: Love the new system 5 Stars. Only Problem is can't see a Monsters Stats so if monster is to strong I'm going to loose my gear.
12-11-11 16:36
vendetta: Love the update. But maybe you could make it where when you click on a mon uou can view it and have a "move here" option. But if the space is empty have the move instant?
12-11-11 16:39
ballx: Like i said the update is great but not being able to see mobs stat i a little bid of a prob . . Hope to see new changes asap ;)
12-11-11 16:52
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