[!!!] Got Ideas For X-mas PvP Round?
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_virus_: After the zombie plauge why dnt u make elfs plauge. . .same as zombie when a player kill elfs it will infect poison. . .make the elfs color black -rofl-
15-11-22 05:48
bell_witch: since we dont have lottery at s2 maybe the presents dropped on ground can be used at lottery for same gifts lottery uses. also, when dragons and other super mobs are killed think about rewarding player who slayed the mob the scroll at the prizes after merge so they aren't abused and keeps competition fair for other hunters. and, it'd be awesome if new armour could be made that is more girlie looking for us females :) is it also possible for us to wear 2 amulets instead of 1? random gold drops would be great since gold is scarce at s2. people who don't hunt with credits have a hard time buying potions i've notice. also, when pets level please have their health regen as it does with us, if this is possible. this idea may not be possible, but how about only 1 account per ip address to help avoid people doing multi chrs. i see lots of people complaining many people abuse party and other features. just a thought.. a new item like scarf of protection could be randomly dropped that protects a player from attacks by pvp bullies. this scarf of protection reverses the damage affect to the one attacking and is good for certain amount of time . haha be great for pvp bullies to wonder if the person they are making victims has the protection! as always thank you for all you do and for listening to our ideas dreamer PS: PLEASE MAKE SOME MORE PRETTY RUNES THAT ARE SHINY LIKE DIABLO RUNES -ok-
15-11-22 00:41
girls_generation: 1. I think its better if u would add lvl 60 legenday gear/weapon/shield on every class so that there will be a balance in game

2. Give a present that contains(depending on the lvl of gift) ms,creds,sp,etc. In every player who is online for a period of time..example:5,10,15 or 20 hours it depends on the hour he stayed online the longer he is online the better lvl of gift he would receive.

thank you dreamer :)
15-11-21 23:17
_dragoon_: I think make a mission that need what mob we must hunt and how many mob to hunt and have 3 difficut (easy,medium,hard) that prize for minimun 1c and maximun for 25c or skill bonus and get more bonus exp by 25% (easy),50%(medium),75%(hard) so that only avaible until lvl 50 ty
15-11-21 23:08
donqouite: Please delete hp injury from asassin class
15-11-21 15:31
farrel-ll: Give new shield class amazon ty
15-11-21 14:28
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