[Martis PvP] Ranks Freeze Time
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francamazing: Its time to listen to majority players and get what players want to let game strive listening to just a few are damaging game critce are better than people that try please new suggestion make one easier dragon with good scroll and low stats so weaker players can hunt it but none previous dragon hunter may kill it game needs more competition that aint expensive or else more will leave clearly u can see less and less strong players play cause too expensive and round to long
16-08-22 19:23
francois: Bored
16-08-22 19:29
16-08-22 20:18
hopefullsoul: best game ever!good job dreamer-warrior-
16-08-23 03:55
_queen_: Doing great job dreamer! Maybe instead of saying when server ends just let it go on til people are strong enough to slay dragons like old days.
16-08-23 06:36
st0rmie: -paladin-
16-08-23 06:39
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