[Martis PvP] Round #3 IDEAS!
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leagon: It be kewl if we had a search like in mp at warehouse's it would save alot of time hunting items to biuld receipes and stuf
16-09-25 06:21
jendral_grt: add bredeer,new item and martis monster;D
16-09-24 08:25
-jecht-: This has to be the worst suggestion i have ever seen suggested to date in BD @-exago-. Do you really think this is a good suggestion. Wait, you must be a player that begs players for credits and gear instead of earning what you have as most players have done. How about playing the game and achieving things on your vs HAVING EVERYTHING GIVEN TO YOU -bad-
16-09-23 01:38
lazark: Please make premium mode just like what it have to be. There were wrotten "Current features include:
DOUBLE chance to get monster titled items in the battles!
Increased inventory space of 50!
Search in the marketplace & sellable items limit up to 50!
You can store 500 items in each warehouse!"
Premium has benefit double chance to get monster titled items in the battle, and diamond mode also has that benefits, no different. But what I experienced is definitely different than the truth. In premium mode so hard to got ms titled, but when I'm in diamond mode is so easy. Really unfair!!!!
16-09-23 00:44
smilelest: Made party group to share eksperience and made easy to leveling.....
And after server pvp finished player can choose to going on serve #gaia or stay on server #martis...
16-09-22 08:11
invader: Level 130+ item is soul protection, the old legacy

Evolve pets : gryphon => gryphonotiger => gryponodragon, dark knight => dark leader => dark king, hell raiser => hell knight => hell king, ancient dragon => mythical dragon => white dragon

Making a rune and give the name: for make e rune we need a recipe, the recipe is common rune (20 skill poin), uncommon rune (40 skill poin), rare rune (60 skill poin), epic rune (100 skill poin) and legend rune (250 skill poin) the sp its used for improve the rune sp (up to the maker)

New city for level 90 for all class,where the city has selling boost for player :) and every city have mysterious quest ;)
16-09-22 06:36
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