[ARENA] +15 NEW Cards & Updated Battle Screen!
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dreamer: There might be. :) Will check how the updates are doing first - it might be enough. A better solution would be allowing to pay in Arena gold for Challenge mode too!
16-09-28 18:44
beastytee: Very nice update! But here's and idea

Allow us to upgrade energy limit using arena gold

Ex. Energy 20/20 upgrade +2 cost: 200 per point and reduce wait time to 2mins
16-09-28 18:50
16-09-28 19:00
-weasel257_: best update ever! i love all the new spells
16-09-28 19:04
-anduen-: Thanks for the new features you are adding and(or) updating to bd:).
Something should be done with weaker items on inventory too so why not dismantle them into experience for our wearing items(points/experience will depend on the level of the dismantled item),or at least sell them for a small ammount of gold.
16-09-28 19:07
alphawolf: Nice can't wait for the challenge mode

I agree with beasty about upgrade energy

Also I suggest being able to test against specific players

And to go with anduen idea add a crafting system for the gear we don't use craft them into bigger items,experience,energy

Also add ingredients such as say a wolf tooth,Dragon scale ,unicorn blood etc and add craftable legendary items with these ingredients ingredients should drop in martis
16-09-28 19:10
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