[Gaia] New Town: Dragonstone!
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-c_my_name-: hy dreamer!
i just want to say, can u make a list of winner after merge so we all now who's making more alts ;D also make list how many credit they spend and earning like player A spending 3k earning 3,5k that will be good information ;)
17-07-18 07:51
17-07-18 10:38
17-07-23 14:01
slayer_007: Well so much thngs to say but is it worth it to say it ? Maby one day ul sit down and say "what if ". Hopefuly ul understand what i mean by this dreamer
17-07-23 21:31
-saint-assassin-: Its a good.. But pls make new town @portal of glory
17-07-25 08:07
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