NEW version of
Leave your feedback!
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clinkz116: yeah, a new credit system.a system that transfer golds to credits.Its hard to gain a credit here in v1.
13-06-02 07:42
nicenicholas123: Awesome! Guys, Dreamer didn't make S3 because he probably was busy with V2. Oh and keep the original up if you can plz.
13-06-02 04:29
tarzanx24: dreamer wont make a game without earning! no free for all you must pay taxes ....
13-06-02 04:24
whispers: My feedback is nice
but dont say stay tuned and then dont put it up for over a day
irritating. dont tell us until its ready please.
but still, im looking forward to it. Thank u verry much for the free game, im not complaining. u do great work knowing u dont have to do this. Thanks! :)

For the people comlaining about s3 not being made. Dreamer has decided to make a new game. This is 5 times better than an s3. Dont be rude about it, you should be thankful. Well i say thank u and great work dreamer. -ok-
13-06-01 20:49
kilroy: blah.. hope it's free2play
13-06-01 17:44
mab: Another failure wow i wonder how thats gonna be made when S3 hasnt been made and was said otherwise its like advertising lie........and u can keep waiting for it its niot gonna happen
13-06-01 17:21
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