--jdv--: can u imagne royal diablos and diablos complete set of gears,runes class level III 4 and 3 bonuses,with good jewels and charms..wow its like a lion vs a mouse. come on!give me a break. .
17-07-31 22:27
necrophos: low lvl no chance
necrophos dragon_nest
0 - 5
necrophos -park-
0 - 5
necrophos venry
0 - 5
necrophos kitz02
0 - 5
necrophos biyawak
0 - 5
necrophos dragon_nest
0 - 5
necrophos -park-
0 - 5
necrophos venry
0 - 5
necrophos kitz02
0 - 5
necrophos biyawak
0 - 5
17-07-31 22:14
mas_amir_s4: If attacked by someone , please actived the spell ( I see my spell not actives when attacked by someone)
17-07-31 22:03
slayer_007: Like this update maby few adjustments like level brackets due to gears 125 and 130 theirs a difrnce in stats and dragon titiles give alot diablos and royals should have their own legue like diamond or elite legue bt otherwise like concept
17-07-31 20:54