[Martis PvP] Leave Feedback & Get 500 Credits!
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sliver: It's good..
But potions drop rate could be reduce a little instead of increasing other items drop rate..
17-08-06 12:11
-iu-: well fast pvp round is cool suite for those who cant play full time due to work .so all i can say is goodjob dreamer
17-08-06 12:36
karase: Give a new name to the class after passing level 100 as the example is paladin class, its name will turn into holy paladin or similar like that, because the change give special bonus whether it is addition of its own status. Of course its not just for paladin but other classes as well
17-08-06 12:42
kingpen: I enjoy playing when I get the time,, and the changes I see no problem,, just having fun is the key
17-08-06 13:02
boudica: What do I like about the current pvp round? I like that every new pvp round is significantly different from all previous rounds. It keeps the game fresh. Sure, maybe some of the changes aren't very popular, but it's also never boring. Keep that type of approach for every new round & I think that you'll always have players wanting to join the new rounds.

My only suggestion is one that I've made repeatedly before... Don't schedule new pvp rounds so close together. We need time to recover from the last round. We need time to craft our new gear. And we need time to use that new gear in G1. How are we supposed to level our G1 main if the pvp rounds are spaced so close together in time? In other words, WE NEED A BREAK from continuous, back-to-back pvp rounds.

PvP rounds should be a special treat not drudgery. C'mon... give us a break dreamer.
17-08-06 13:23
ashcrimson: In pvp no more equipped gears lost if you were slain... just gold and item from inventory dropped if you lose....
17-08-06 13:35
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