[Martis PvP] Leave Feedback & Get 500 Credits!
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franccool: Good job access to mp much better sort round helpful to us with little time still think a player can atk u to much wich drives away new player and i suggest that a non pvp round is held once a year for variety to early to leave a good feedback il update again but so far so good too many wins in my view rest all good
17-08-06 14:39
-berry-: Thisround a lot I do not see many problems but a few. I will say all the features so far is great with a nice easy playing style for new players I know this for fact as my friend who is new to this game is enjoying martis and has only played this game for 1 whole week.

Now I do think some issues will arise but seem fine.

1. With so many wins that's we have it makes hunting a bit harder the round is shorter but we have to put in more hours day one I put 8 hours into this game rather than normally putting 1 or 2 it makes it Hardee to hunt as it's hard to use 2500 wins in the first place but this is minor.

2. I feel like this round is aimed towards getting more players back into playing but in the long run how will diablo and royal diablo benefit from his round not to be selfish. Are we still allowed to kill dragons or is that still a no. I do think it's fair to not be able to kill a black dragon and maybe royal dragon but what about the rest.

3. I think the rounds leveling might be a little iffy I think as I got level 50 so easily will level 100 be as easy? It good of your support this game tynx I am very happy at Martis. Because
there using a new and very simple
way from the Gaia server, either
Gaia 1 or gaia PvP. If the matter of
enjoying, Honestly I was the first
time in Martis server, please
understand it. It's very different
from usual. In martis can use the
item freely, but the level becomes a
reference in the use of items. The
place was different as usual. But
residents in every place still use
residents on Gaia servers. Here the
advantage can be to get used to
trying a new place
1. world map needed, for hassle free movements to intended lands.

2. potions ( health, mana, rejuv, pet) drop should be reduced a bit. it gets flooded.
3. clan jobs should give some kind of benefit/boost during the ongoing round.
4. pet gears can be introduced.
5. increase chance of rarity of recipes in random service as well as recipe drops.
6. allow crafting of 3 x same rarity and similar recipe into 1x same recipe with higher rarity. at least for limited time. tons of repeating same recipes get piled up in keeper and its all waste mostly. should be allowed to make good use of them via fusing them to get higher rarity.
7. since shot bonus is not present, bows and quiver drops should be removed. they are vestigeal practically .

8. allow multiple trades (at same time) between players.

9. the NIGHT KING ! yes. a super evil BOSS towards the end of the round. just like in the evil santa , evil pumking etc rounds. this boss should be powerful and give decent reward.

10. improve title drops. its very poor now.
: I really love it boss dreamer I like it its because its lvling fast ....I really enjoy this martis round than the past martis ..make it a short round boss dreamer and make it official ...coz this martis is really enjoyable ...and I have a short suggestion boss dreamer ...what if when you put a skill point ..the stamina will be full too like the health and mana..
Alright, to begin with, This is the best format I have played so far... But the exp should be lowered a bit in the next rounds... People are getting to lvl.60 in first day.... That wasn't supposed to be.... Lessen It a bit... Rather than that everything else seems fine till now.... Good Drop rate, good boost... The boost is adjusted with the wins... That is a great thing... Overall So far so good
Bye -berry-
17-08-06 14:33
dicky_007: I am very happy at Martis. Because
there using a new and very simple
way from the Gaia server, either
Gaia 1 or gaia PvP. If the matter of
enjoying, Honestly I was the first
time in Martis server, please
understand it. It's very different
from usual. In martis can use the
item freely, but the level becomes a
reference in the use of items. The
place was different as usual. But
residents in every place still use
residents on Gaia servers. Here the
advantage can be to get used to
trying a new place. The other side,
Try for the future replace other
residents, in order to be in real
Martis value with the real martis

Regards dicky_007 :)
17-08-06 14:27
lil_blue_dragon: I am enjoying this round a lot I do not see many problems but a few. I will say all the features so far is great with a nice easy playing style for new players I know this for fact as my friend who is new to this game is enjoying martis and has only played this game for 1 whole week.

Now I do think some issues will arise but seem fine.

1. With so many wins that's we have it makes hunting a bit harder the round is shorter but we have to put in more hours day one I put 8 hours into this game rather than normally putting 1 or 2 it makes it Hardee to hunt as it's hard to use 2500 wins in the first place but this is minor.

2. I feel like this round is aimed towards getting more players back into playing but in the long run how will diablo and royal diablo benefit from his round not to be selfish. Are we still allowed to kill dragons or is that still a no. I do think it's fair to not be able to kill a black dragon and maybe royal dragon but what about the rest.

3. I think the rounds leveling might be a little iffy I think as I got level 50 so easily will level 100 be as easy?
17-08-06 14:17
yeyen: where reward arena,,,?
17-08-06 14:00
vally: Good job
17-08-06 13:55
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