[Martis PvP] Leave Feedback & Get 500 Credits!
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-sunu-: yes
17-08-06 07:14
d3ath_by_name: I like this martis round best ever, 2things i would change is drop rate at start potions drop 80% and rings and amulet rare drop at start maby if u increase ring and amulet drop it wil be awsme ,2ndly theirs so much recipes in gaia 1 ect can you make it that we can craft these recipes to uncomon ,rare and epic this wil solve al this over popilated recipes and bring their worth back their value drop so much that some dont sell
17-08-06 07:16
-sakijar-: 😘
17-08-06 07:30
suull: dreamer there are some who have to change the cover clan jobs and restrictions credits transfer from gaia
17-08-06 07:31
trickz: its awesome all that is left is a nice new event to go with and when the round is over then we can actually say how it went
17-08-06 07:31
_rogue_: its too soon to give reviews.. but anyway appreciate ur efforts to make t game interesting.. i created a char anyway.. but not going to b able to play much due to real life commitments..

what i like about this round is t short duration, the exp gain from day one which u said would not b altered -good2- and the white walker event and of course t promised double drop rate and quests...

what i honestly dont like is t 2.5 k win rate per day.

i have suggested this before and still suggest it now.. just open registration 3 days before start and close registration one day after start

on a lighter note.. u get infected wn u kill a white walker? why not add a little fun by making a char that gets killed by WW funny respawning wit a pumpking head.. -rofl- i leave it to ur imagination
17-08-06 07:33
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