[Gaia PvP] 31st Round is OVER!
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Read from end
illusionz: It was a great round! The competition was tremendous, with the top player's rankings changing on a daily!! And they were clanmates!! They all worked hard to be where they were and I'm so happy dreamer was the ever-adaptable admin that he always is, and gave out 2 Diablos. That race was the best ever!!

ganna overcame many challenges....hitting that dragon 3 times to dawn_bringer's 5-7 times...and almost took it, too! And she was taking on far more damage, with a slow connection!

Some people just don't get it -- the hard work, planning, buying/selling/trading/spending, crafting, collecting, leveling's not easy!

I think they both did their best, and their best EARNED them their Diablo titles!

Go Black Dragon!!
17-10-03 18:51
ganna: -scare- -swoon-
17-10-03 19:24
soekamti: Like martis PVP not gaia
17-10-03 20:06
notengodinero: Gratz darkis!Congrats bro -clap-
17-10-04 00:00
pumpkin_dragon: Also now DRAGON title like rust dragon just trash -_- jinn ms better than dragon ms... what the??? -_- 1 star.. cant choose 0 star
17-10-04 15:52
hackmmind: Pm me@dreamer
17-10-04 16:41
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