-trouble-: Nice one and ild like to see event scrolls or dragon scrolls at honor shop or you could make it random title ms with chance of event/dragon scrolls
18-06-26 12:52
-pazazaran-: Honor shop i see Magic scroll item but empty any ms when update add ms on honor sir ? -claps-
18-06-26 12:44
goliats: need new portal option transfer char martis to gaia 1 ...also maybe damage spell like armagedon,implosion etc suposed not miss on attack mobs...hope it could return like old time...
18-06-26 12:43
_hells_gate_: PVP IDEA
put timer on mob if u kill mob next one u Spawn gets 10sec timer that it can't be attack will reduce these camper's u get
Aruara idea
Enable ancient pod their more ppl will Hunt their
put timer on mob if u kill mob next one u Spawn gets 10sec timer that it can't be attack will reduce these camper's u get
Aruara idea
Enable ancient pod their more ppl will Hunt their
18-06-26 12:41