[Gaia PvP] EXCLUSIVE Gaia PvP #40 is HERE!
Leave your feedback!
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-shak-: the marketplace have bugs and would be nice to clarify the spells requirements.. other than that all's great
18-07-07 22:52
hulk_joss: So hard leveling barbarian
18-07-08 00:58
-back-: R.I.P barbar
18-07-08 01:58
beastytee: cool im in!
18-07-08 03:31
coley: Very hard for barbar killing mob
18-07-08 06:50
pharama: Thanks
Everything are nice

Except for the non level req for entering any place gonna make some serious problem
Please reconsider it

You already add this update on the past, then remove it
But you now added this thing again
2 star for that

Where's the basic tutorial? Also there's no merchant and energy mode in gaia pvp
I'd rather choose premium mode with energy & merchant mode than having a diamond, seriously

1 star for this HUGE CHANGES Lol
18-07-08 07:49
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