[Martis] Downloadable World Map!
Leave your feedback!
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bernie: Add credit rewards...pls
18-08-08 02:08
-_poseidon_-: Stop using 4 stars below pls-rofl-
18-08-08 10:27
beegees: "Maris" -rofl-
18-08-08 17:26
lokis_feneris: I can't download it. I get a msg that says undefined ?
18-08-09 12:43
equinox: Enjoy! :)

edit: gee.. really thanks for the support, but if you wanna whine about other updates and complain that the game is "hard" please do it somewhere else

i worked to make this for you guys, BIG thanks for those who appreciate my work

P.S. to download just click the pic then right click and save, or on phones long press the pic and save
18-08-10 10:23
dainanahan: When will you fix the bug with the items being lost iven afther paying credirts to retrive them?
18-08-10 14:08
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