[Gaia] Got Ideas For Enemies?
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qp-_-qp: Add mighty gorgon king mob
18-12-04 22:34
hyperw7: add undead hydra land etc
18-12-04 23:16
galihank: Burog
18-12-05 08:32
mightylord: so many ideas so i really can't ask for more now .... all i wish is mate that when u add better gears u increase the stats a lil bit more..... lvl 135 gears were really disappointing ...... i still haven't crafted dragon armor ... like its wis is lower than my current one.... but i have said this alreafy thro my yeager so... what i should mainly ask is -:

1) if u can add some low level mobs too...... like phenoix king or so it will make next pvp rounds more fun....

2) wake up this two gods lol and maybe if u can add a city near fallen archangels and bring more to titans area.. :)

done thx :)
18-12-05 13:09
boudica: I agree with ghostlykillerz & knightshadows. Create monsters for the titles that we already have & bring old event monsters in for high level players. It's getting harder to level up as your level goes up so super powerful mobs will help high level players keep leveling. I really don't think that you need to create any new monsters except for events maybe. You have a large selection of monster titles that need the matching monster...

Otherwise, I think that you are on the right track by closing out old pvp rounds & creating new competition rounds. When something never changes & becomes too familiar it becomes boring. I'm content to wait to see what you create next.
18-12-06 18:51
dragon_buster: I want to see ultraman
18-12-07 02:52
bladsy: 11/12
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