[Gaia] Got Ideas For Enemies?
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just_game: Update new land,

dragon vault 5 = hell ghoul
dragon cave 5 = fire dragon
forsaken palace 5 = demon lord
hydra pond 5 = undead hydra
behemot crag 5 = ogre king,,

new quest fiur
18-12-04 04:11
swam: Update new quest,,

Quest not work in g1, meybe kill new monster and monster spaw 1 week 1x,,
18-12-04 04:17
gogogol: Closed game - rofl-
18-12-04 04:20
kill___: Add mecha , example dragon iron machine
T-rex gundam,
18-12-04 04:47
-fright-: landuros,pogarde
18-12-04 10:29
-nun-: Put like when u kill a unit u get the ms
18-12-04 13:37
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