Ideas For PvP Server
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belphoger: Idk how much active player is, its said only 32 player online(when I write this feedback) and daily online player when I was on is near than it,

So why more than 200 player registered from each pvp server, how it happen?

how to avoid multiple acc? Checking their gmail? Or checking their ip idres, hmm I think its hard task, so forget it

#allow credit transfer, 1:1 ratio, but with limit credits transfer like 500c per round and per acc

Btw talking about free to play game there are many f2p game at playstore lol
19-01-03 10:18
farrel-ll: Pls change the system scroll at blacksmith to pix all title, example why got many same title for crafted 1 ring or etc
19-01-03 10:36
-timeless-: 1st I would like to say thank you for all you do dreamer. I appreciate your time, energy and thoughts to make this a fun game.

Ok here's my ideas for new pvp server....>
1] credits should be able to be transferred between servers. They should be able to be used anywhere in the game and transfer should be 1:1 . People who purchase credits for $$ deserve this, and those who work hard for their credits need it.

2] people are making alts to hunt quests for charms that's not their main chr. Maybe have charms appear like presents instead of a for sure thing.

3] people are using alts to help level or having friends kill small ranks so high ranks come up. Go back to old days where there is no 1000 wins at percentage. Let it be unlimited. Also, to help stop people using alts to kill down mob to killshot or have friends kill them down make it so no one else except orginal attacker can attack the mob for 10 minutes.

4] Please put bosses back on main menu.

5] Prizes have not been encouraging last several servers. Please bring back credits prizes, and items for big tasks like kalt amulet , tree bark ect.

6] Powders should craft up. Uncommon -> Rare -> Mystic . Also , why doesnt ancient behemoth craft up to ghost behemoths? Or archangel to supreme archangel? Also, the title ms should be able to create God's ms and Ultimate me .

7] quests to make chr stronger would be great to have in pvp server. If the quests can only be done in pvp server all the better.

8] Have dragons fly!!.. People just sitting tap, tap, tapping on a mob is really not that exciting or challenging. Make dragon hunters actually have to hunt for them.

9] Put rules at entrance to game to agree to and make a rule if someone is caught abusing a glitch or bug their chr is suspended from the pvp round. Stop tolerating or showing mercy to cheaters.

10] Please lower price to unsocket gems/runes. 20c is hardship when having to do all items.

11] The ms scrolls being title ms in random purchase is great. If you make regular ms drop more rare it will help make them more valuable. Last few pvp rounds the value went down to 2c each or less.

12] Please turn back on tasks in pvp rounds.

13] No castles as this creates unfair advantage for leveling. Keep the leveling field as balanced as possible.

Thanks for listening dreamer-v- if I think of more I will add it . -dragon-
19-01-03 12:06
-pazazaran-: new fitur reset skill point lol
19-01-03 12:32
shoot1: Unable transfer credits between server 🚫
19-01-03 12:46
-justice-: I want to see a pvp round without marketplace.. So players will hunt more for what they needed:D i like the idea of daily/weekly rewards for top player,quest,pet and top mob kills/pvp. Add achievements/trophy for additional fun and motivation;) add additional +s upgrade for gears which uses an enhancement or refining stones..|| for the map, hide the mobs or make it invisible, we have to navigate the map for random encounters. || for class balance, make the effectiveness of skills/spells dont depend on wisdom, barbarian/strenght, druid/wisdom.
19-01-03 12:52
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