Terra #1 is OVER
19-02-05 10:14
-kirara-: Agree with jujo idea...

Prices getting worse than before :/
19-02-05 07:04
-restricted-: This the jockers -sitti- is always crying.. haahahha... go quit
19-02-05 06:31
-single-: From now on i won't expect too much,coz at the end I know its a disappointing round again.
19-02-05 01:44
ryoushi: Drop recipe unbalance
19-02-04 22:45
-siti-: No tnx i had inaf of this im fed up with alt abusers in top 5 and you covering for them...cheaters that are also abusers and an admin thats covering them add a few bugs and the set is done..whats the curent countdawn?50players curently still playing? 49/48/47/46 ? You can suspend me but that wont change the truth
19-02-04 19:00
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