[Martis PvP] Removing Fixed Ranks
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scp-3: Amazing-clap-

This is why your game is dying... Making irrational updates then reverting it back again...wew...

People will start realizing soon that joining these pvp servers won't give you any rewards, you'll lose more than you'll earn...unless you're a credit buyer or just someone who has like 8hrs. of daily playing time
19-05-24 12:26
nightshadows: Just here for the comments -rofl-
19-05-24 13:06
19-05-24 13:31
-a3shm4-: This is martis so why don't you give us the martis that was once before? The martis that give recipe, charm, rune and/or jewels on quest as rewards just like before. We all know you need buyers to feed your game but you also made this server as a farming server so why now it's like a credit sucker server just like Gaia? Or maybe you're losing too much buyers to this kind of updates
19-05-24 14:00
viosy: Im pass
19-05-24 14:34
midoriya: Recipe drop and jewels drop are very very very very very low, i think .000001 percent only :(
19-05-24 17:04
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