[Gaia] Ideas for Classes Balance
argos: Remove spells missing on events challenge.tyvm
19-06-13 02:42
muqtafafaiz: I just finished reading a Greek fairy tale. It was told there was a hero named Bellerphon assigned to kill horrible monsters: Chimera, goat-bodied, lion-headed, and his tail was a snake. Cannot be attacked from the front because it spouts fire and can't get it from behind because it spouts poison. But it must be from the air riding a Pegasus. Bellerophon managed to tame Pegasus with the golden reins given by God. Finally he managed to aim an arrow at the Chimera's body from the air.

From this story I think and have an idea to package it in the upcoming Gaia PvP:
1. Hunt for Pegasus to find gold reins, recipes, elixirs, and charms.
2. Kill Chimera with 25 credit rewards and MS Title for the top 10 players
3. Kill Chimera King with reward New Title Class: Bellerophon and Title MS

Other features are usually the same as Dragons

19-06-11 01:42
-pazazaran-: add spell attack same with thunderbolt etc on confluk but not have req class and all class can learn it ;) all class bonus wis like barbar and amazon

Add too spell just like Frenzy Armageddon (fire) but elemental difference on honnor shop

Soul bind Attack for (Air)
Wraitstrike Punch for (Earth)
Water orion breath for (Water)

have fun -dance-
19-06-10 22:06
-fright-: hello

can i suggest spell

-25 percent of armor enemy lvl 100 capped at only 25%
19-06-09 06:12
19-06-08 15:38
raspberry-pi: Add armor and wis bonus for assassin, 10% is enough. They are too weak rn. Palladin are too op with their bonuses same with druid.
19-06-07 13:40
Puslapis: 2/7
1 2 3 4 ... 7