[Gaia] Ideas for Classes Balance
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-fubu-: Add some magic spell on assassin from lvl 100 to make them switch to wis type when dragon lands so they can also attack dragons (works only for non credit buyers)
Also add protection spell for druid to make assassin's attack miss sometimes because druids has no match to assassin's
And about potion's make full rejuvenation used on lvl 40 because reaching lvl 60 this potion are not being used the most because of increase health service and rejuvenation should be on lvl 20
Lastly, about Gaia 1 reduce those gear requirements for wearing new gears because there are some new players quit when reaching lvl 80-100 because they can't afford to equip new gears because of that required stats on higher lvl gears.. Peace ✌✌
19-06-01 03:51
--b4n3--: Adjust "increase health and mana" button down below to the upper right side of screen because it is interrupting when using potions thank you
19-06-01 04:20
sky-king: I agree with -iky- please reduce those junk jewels, recipes and runes on random service because that is one of the reasons why ppl over price their stuff on mp
19-06-01 04:23
keanna: i cant choose if i increase hp or mana only not Both
19-06-01 06:52
trololoshka: I agree about pieced items for amazon and assassin.

Also, i think druids have not enough of health. At middle lvl (40-80) druid can be killed almost any race with good gear. 10 health points for 1 point of endurance is nothing.
19-06-01 08:02
rust_dragon: Lower dex stats and add more armor stats on dragons...make it totally balance between psycall damage and spell damage
19-06-01 10:02
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