[Gaia #1] Your Suggestions/Ideas
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boudica: My suggestions:
1. Open new lands in G1 with bigger, stronger mobs for the high level players. (Antagarich maybe?)

2. Make a delete button for spells so that we can delete unneeded spells. Who needs Heal or Ice arrow at level 80+?

3. Maybe make more mini games or mini events to keep the crybabies happy. Be sure to make it easier for them to win so they don't need to cry anymore... But don't give them prizes that are comparable to what bigger players work hard to win & earn.

4. Make the dragons in the pvp rounds stronger. The dragons in the last pvp round were so weak that all 10 dragons were dead in barely more than an hour.

Side note:

I've gotten sick & tired of the "Gimme, Gimme, GIMME!" of the whiners. They want to get everything that the bigger players have but they don't want to work for it. They throw themselves on the floor & have a kicking, screaming tantrum like the spoiled children that they are. Don't forget that they love to boast in chat about how they've never bought a single credit... They're proud to be non supporters... They believe it makes them 'cool'... But they want ALL the benefits that supporters have... :F -bad-
19-07-17 04:33
-facepalm--fool-: I bet those "pabibo" will say, "I agree with boudica"-rofl-
19-07-17 06:11
septima: Hmmm...I'm going to buy credits before bragging;D Then I'll be cool I guess 😎
19-07-17 06:15
mybad: Give rewards to the top 1 in each class hehehhe
19-07-17 08:06
mondemon: Hopely can craft the 3x recipe we same rarity.."example"
3x recipe of dragon amulet(epic).
To become (mythic)
And 3x epic powder . Craft it to make (mythic) powder..
to help the low bracket.make a chance to get (mythic). :)
19-07-17 10:29
argos: Chat settings is still not fix.
19-07-17 10:56
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