[Martis PvP] Round #51
Leave your feedback!
Read from end
bernie: Dreamer if we're going to be grinding for our items, make everything drop from first day
19-09-03 22:21
julia_choi: No powder rewards for top 11-20 in overall? Even epic?:(
19-09-04 12:22
-supercell-: No trading gear is good and no market place.. All alts of non credit buyer are shot down.this round is realy burn our credit. We'r ok no credit reward make xtra reward insted like windigo ring or mythic powder or make double honor points something like that
19-09-04 20:07
ruina: Need balancing at drop rate now -rofl-
19-09-05 14:43
reptilianking: lol rewards
19-09-05 18:40
wolfkingzay1: na
19-09-06 18:50
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