Ideas for 10 Year Anniversary Round
Leave your feedback!
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royal_pain: Make this a long round with 5 waves and with dragons that fly. Enable jewel and charms dureing pvp since it is supposed to be a hardcore server and a competion increase damage for all classes and make the strongest dragons ever seen. Open aura and enable players to become da and remove dragons items from recs so players can craft bigger gears. Lastly make it 300% creds, honor, and sp from buying creds and you will have folks spending and no cred transfers and appoint new mods to ban anyone attempting to sell creds between servers.
20-01-08 03:48
superman_slayer: dreamer are you alive ?
20-01-08 07:08
boudica: 👉To all the liars who claim to be poor: You have a device with a data plan... YOU ARE NOT POOR. Did you think that nobody would notice? Stop lying & get over yourselves. You are demanding that dreamer pay you to play this game by giving you credits & freebies for just logging in & playing a free game... Go find another game to ruin & stop polluting this game.👈

I somewhat agree with death tempo, take the pvp round back to the original way it was.

Make the round harder to make it more challenging & competitive. PvP rounds should be harder than the safe Gaia & Martis servers.

Ignore the crybabies who ask you to make the round easier for them to play.

Ignore the beggars who demand that you give them credits & freebies for logging in & gracing us with their whiney, childish presence.

🔹️Pvp round starts on 10 January & ends on 31 January. 3 weeks is not an overly long round, but just long enough for players to get strong enough to go for the big boss & the dragons.

👉 Since it is the 10th anniversary, prizes should be awarded to the Top 10 in each category.

Prize Structure:
🔹️Top 10 overall
🔹️Top 10 class
🔹️Top 10 boss hunters
🔹️Top 10 supporters

1. Allow credit transfers to appease the whiners.


3. Enable all jewels & boosts in PvP battles.
4. All out hardcore pvp, with loss of inventory item for the loser of the battle & loss of equipped gear item for dying.
5. Keep the Triple Credits Sale going all during the round to honor the 10th Anniversary of BD & reward your loyal buyers.
6. Make the big Boss & the Dragons stronger & more challenging. 11 minutes to kill 10 dragons was shameful & embarrassing.
7. Allow free access to all lands to all players of any level. Exclude only towns to prevent players from getting spells prematurely.
8. If you wish, make an item (anniversary present?) that contains goodies like credits, charms/jewels & recipes that can just appear on the map or be dropped by mobs. But make them rare.
9. Keep castles enabled.


🌟 10. Since this is the 10th anniversary, the hunt boss mob should be a dwarf or baby Black Dragon... Have it drop dragon eggs that contain goodies like the usual hunt boss... but sometimes it will contain a true dragon egg that will hatch into a pet. The eggs will hatch after merge into a special 10th Anniversary edition pet... the Dwarf Black Dragon! (This will be an exclusive special edition pet, available only during the 10th Anniversary PvP round & never again after the round ends.)

💎 I agree with some of the players who are asking for you to become more involved in the game. This will be a special round & you should participate as a mod & special advisor.

🔥Maybe you can disable PMs from players to you so that you are not buried under an avalanche of PMs. You can interact with players in chat.

⭐🔹️⭐: One more issue... You promised to make it possible to delete unneeded spells from our account after the last pvp round ended... We still need to have the ability to delete useless spells. Who needs basic & (Master) spells when you have the (Grandmaster) spell? Who needs baby spells like Ice arrow when your account is level 100+??? Help us get rid of useless spells & reduce the clutter. ARGH!!!
20-01-08 16:02
ketsueki: enable level limit to all lands.
20-01-09 06:14
bowroyal: be active that is mist needed from your side

as its 10th anniversary bring 10 boss mobs which will rewards exclusive items this can give chance to players who missed that

deyja city alamut city and pontus city have no castles introduce castles on that city and make a clan can get 4 castles

make daily wins turn off/on and quests enabled and make legendary gear req -30lvl like round 50

top players in each class gets a kings ring or a better ring to mark 10th anniversary or a new amulet

make new lands like forsoaken place lvl 5 dragon cave lvl 5 and there only super mobs like demon king hell ghoul will only spawn and this can make hunting their scrolls easier

make a new land for demon lord mob as its only spawn on forsoaken place lvl 1 and its so hard to spawn one and hunt its ms

no level restrictions on maps except towns

make treasure chest drop dragon eye plate and crest and remove those useless junk drops of recipes from the chests as chests are valuable u need to make it worth it to use

and last pvp needs to be hardcore andhp boost needs to be active last round pvp was like one who hits always wins its only hit and run last round

also make 3 set of jewels like the gear sets so we can use differnt jewels for pvp hp boost and for hunting/lvl up

dang get online do u care about ur game or not
20-01-09 10:51
hexacurse: Where are you??
Next time if you're gonna take a long break
Leave us some challenge events -facepalm-
20-01-10 15:05
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