Ideas for 10 Year Anniversary Round
death_tempo: Hm
20-01-10 19:16
-practice-: Here are my suggestions/ideas:
1️⃣ Skill points reward on buying credits should only be given to Gaia #1 character and not on Gaia #2.
2️⃣ Bring back the requirements for all gears, other legendary gears are not that useful coz wearing gears is easy as 1 2 3. PVP server should be hard.
3️⃣ Disable jewel and enable HP boost on PvP. Last gaia #2 is that who attacked first won, literally it sucks and promotes hit-and-run.
4️⃣ Disable castle and clan.
5️⃣ Enable Aurora.
6️⃣ Kindly add dragon eye/plate/crest on treasure chest drop.
7️⃣ As administrator of the game, we players ask at least one hour of your time everyday to online and try to interact with players. At least we feel like you're still with us. Thanks!
8️⃣ Kindly perform the necessary maintenance to prevent the server shutdown happened last gaia #2.

And lastly, this is for the players who wants almost everything as free.
🚫 This game is already free access for all of you to be played. At least dreamer didn't ask for amount for you to access this game. So just be thankful!
🚫 Why are u all complaining that this game is pay-to-win? Of course its pay to win. It's how the game will survive.
🚫 To those who were saying that strong players will be more stronger esp. in event scroll rewards - Remember this: those strong players you were talking about was once a weak/noob one. So at least work your way.

Thank you and peace!
20-01-11 00:09
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