Ideas for 10 Year Anniversary Round
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kazekg: Add new gear recipe
19-12-28 12:26
--royalbeast--: My suggestion its it would be good if you bring the deduction of high lvl gear -30lvls and no sp available in pvp for fairplay
19-12-28 11:28
ez-blitz: My idea is gave reward to the main account for example: if your pvp character reached any level like you reached only level 79 of that game your main will have 79 skill points as a special reward,
19-12-28 07:31
asgareth: I agree with ez-blitz. That's a very good idea. Can you also make presents or cards drop as monster drops only. Clearing maps is very time consuming and we are already spending 12hr+ in the game so it would be very helpful. Tyvm
19-12-28 06:23
shadow_disaster: Ignore all the folks begging for free stuff who have never supported the game. Make the round true hardcore pvp enable all jewels/charms in pvp, guarnteed gear drop when you kill someone, death angel no level restrictions on pvp, 6 wave round see who has the skills to compete
19-12-27 13:09
neophyte_: enable change name lol
19-12-27 10:32
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