[Gaia PvP #56] Announcement
20-03-16 15:21
vozaren: No exclusive gear for top class rankings again. Another good joke. You're giving out same hunt scrolls as last round making look the players who worked hard last round look stupid. Please change this or update last round rainbow ms to rainbow serpent II ms and imperial dragon II ms. Update imperial dragon ms- for the "strongest dragon ever" the scroll doesnt match. Add some dmg and armour to it at least. And lastly please be more active, your negligence will make more and more players quit after each round
20-03-20 23:05
nightshadows: All we ask for is what we have already been promised and have yet to recive since and for a more active pressence from you in the game or someone or someones who can answer questions. Instead of just ignoreing players who want to see the game survive
20-03-21 16:31
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