when pvp same martis pvp cannot move area for more time

20-05-28 07:58

1.remove the free sp from quest.
2.remove lower gear lvl restriction.
3.make the exp back to normal . lol ! in 1 day player can reach lvl50 thats disappointed so easy to lvl that way.
4.we need mod there so much drama and rules breaking.
5.no more short pvpround .
6.dont be generous in rewards Lol especially drag title now is common .no more rare this day.

20-05-28 08:38

2. 100% exp on 1k wins only..Bring back in settings where we can turn off the usage of our wins.
3. Pls don't remove treasure chest like last server.
4. PvP timer: 20 seconds, Attacker should be stuck for 60 seconds and additional 20 seconds for each of the next attacks.
5. Let us choose if we want sp reward or honor?
6. Random feature unlocked daily(excluding dragons) just for a twist
7. Map lvl requirements should be as they are..
8. Ppl in mpvp dealt around 100k + damage during pvps so I guess that's 1 million dmg here...pls increase mx increase to 2 million or 3 million.
9. Just recycle the bosses from previous rounds.. If you keep adding a new boss and it's titles/exclusive gears, you'll eventually flood the game with too much "exclusive" stuff.
10. New mobs and titles? Ex:
11. Free sp thing is not good... Pls do remove the sp from quests and make the mobs & dragons stats the way before

20-05-28 08:54

As for experience;just make it..
1-250 wins(100%)
251-500 wins(75%)
then after that 1%..that should be okay.
Also enable on and off experience please.
For quests please remove sp as rewards and just make it 1 magic scroll or exp + magic scroll

20-05-28 09:33

20-05-28 10:26